hire operation

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In line with our passion for installed systems The Greenup Entertainment Group can also hire, setup and operate small, medium and large systems for anything from a duo with a couple of backwash lights and wireless mics right through to a large pub band or Christmas carols requiring large SPL levels, lighting and operation.

We carry only top of the line gear and depending on the brief we can provide gear for a system up to 5000 watts a side
We have a large range of gear from subs, mids and top boxes through to processors, desks, mics and stands
We have lighting truss, LED wash and moving lights for bands and community acts such as variety nights and dance performances

We have gear for simple sound reinforcement applications like for audio in a park for background music or making announcements at a swimming carnival or athletics meet.

We have battery powered systems when power is not available for small PA requirements.

We have been “doing sound” for many years and our operators are trained professionals who are working technicians in the industry and aren’t just amateurs who dabble on the weekend.

Make an enquiry and tell us about your event coming up and allow us to quote you or advise on the best solution for your budget and requirements.

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